best of melbourne city

Best of Melbourne City

Cookie Policy

At Best of Melbourne City, we prioritize transparency regarding our data collection and usage practices. This policy outlines how and when we utilize cookies for these purposes.

What are cookies? Cookies, stored in text files, are small pieces of data placed on your computer or device when websites are loaded in a browser. They play a vital role in ‘remembering’ you and your preferences, facilitating a consistent and efficient user experience. Cookies can be either session-based, for a single visit, or persistent, for multiple repeat visits. They perform essential functions like enabling user registration and maintaining login sessions.

How we use cookies? Our website employs both session and persistent cookies for various purposes. Essential cookies are required for technical reasons to ensure the proper functioning of our websites. Additionally, we utilize cookies to track and target user interests, enhancing their browsing experience. Third-party cookies may also be served through our websites for advertising, analytics, and other functionalities.

Control your cookie settings You have the autonomy to accept or reject cookies. Adjust your web browser settings accordingly. If you opt to reject cookies, you can still access our website, but certain functionality and areas may be limited. For guidance on deleting cookies or disabling your browser from receiving them, refer to and Please note that disabling cookies may impact your ability to access secure areas of the site or cause certain parts to function incorrectly.

Changes to our Cookie Policy This policy may undergo periodic updates. We encourage users to check back regularly for the latest information regarding our cookie practices.

Contact us If you have any inquiries or feedback regarding this policy, feel free to reach out to us.

By using our site, you consent to the utilization of cookies as described in our Cookie Policy. This policy elucidates what cookies are, how they are used, the involvement of third-party partners, and your options regarding cookie preferences. We advise reading this policy alongside our privacy policy for additional insights into how personally identifiable information is used and your associated rights.